La música vuelve a Paredes de Coura entre el 14 y el 17 de agosto. El cartel cuenta ya con más de 40 artistas confirmados: Sampha, André 3000: New Blue Sun, Girl In Red, IDLES, Fontaines D.C., Killer Mike, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Slowdive, Cat Power, L’Impératrice, Sleater-Kinney, Baxter Dury, Hermanos Gutiérrez, Gilsons, Nouvelle Vague, Wednesday, Glass Beams, Bar Italia, Allah-Las, Mdou Moctar, Beach Fossils, Model/Actriz, Protomartyr, Superchunk, Los Bitchos, Vegyn (Live), Destroy Boys, Still Corners, Joy (Anonymous), Hurray for the Riff Raff, George Clanton, Palehound, Branko, Benjamim, Sprints, Hotline TNT, Dorian Concept, Deeper, Tramhaus, Sababa 5, Wolf Manhattan, Conferência Inferno, Nourished By Time, Slow J, Moullinex A GPU Panic, Quadra, Valter Lobo y Moonshiners.